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When we talk about data security, we mean more than just passwords. A lot more. Today’s security solutions need to protect employee and client data, authorize access to information and physical locations, monitor badge swipes, flag weak spots and breaches, and give you full insight into your system. And all of those things need to meet ever-changing state, federal compliance and sometimes even international regulations.

If you think that’s a lot for one team—or sometimes even one person—you’re right. That’s where a partner like Octeum comes in. We help you see your full physical security picture and find or build the solution you need to protect what’s behind it. Whether you’re starting from step one or looking to upgrade your existing platform, here are five reasons why right now is the time to start paying even closer attention to how your data is protected.

1. Regulations are increasing.

Keeping up with changing compliance rules might feel daunting, but think of them as an opportunity for a gut-check. Are you doing as much as you can to keep your company and employee access secure? Can your organization, clients and team trust you with their sensitive information? The right partner can find or create a security software solution that seamlessly expands and grows right along with evolving compliance expectations.

2. Your employees expect more.

You’re being held accountable by more than government oversight. Your employees expect their data, information and physical spaces to be protected—and the numbers show that you probably already know this. A 2022 BenefitsPro survey found that 90% of employers believe offering data protection as part of employee benefits would appeal to their people, but only 35% of companies actually do. That’s a big gap, and you can bet that if your employees feel strongly about their non-work data security, they’re just as invested in what you’re doing with all of their sensitive information in your records.

3. Phishing attempts are up—way up.

A report by security firm F5 found a 220% rise in phishing attempts during the pandemic. Even now that the 2020-2021 peak has settled a bit, phishing is still on pace to increase another 15% year over year for the foreseeable future. That’s more than stealing passwords and corrupting data. Phishing puts your entire organization, access and clients at risk. The best way to protect your company is to be prepared before an incident.

4. Remote and hybrid work have changed the game.

If your employees are working remotely, your company, client and employee data are being accessed in more places than ever. And that’s only one piece of the new puzzle. You likely still have on-site and hybrid workers, too, meaning it’s more important than ever to know who’s there and what access they need (or don’t need) while they’re in the building.

5. Employee turnover is high.

Your people hold more cards now than ever before, and that means more of them are coming and going—and potentially taking a lot of information and access with them. You need to know right now who has insight into your systems and what areas or properties they have access to, and have a plan for how those permissions will change as people come and go.

Those five things might sound big and scary right now, but the right partner can help you ensure that all of the information and access in your organization is in the right hands at the right time.

Ready to connect? Octeum’s Apps for PACS and consulting services are a great place to start. Or contact us to learn more about all of Octeum’s security solutions.