The Challenge
An online retailer with 2,000 employees needed a partner who could look at the company’s specific human resources needs and create a software solution that would reduce risk of manual error and eliminate HR privacy concerns. Specifically, the company needed to integrate its cloud-based Workday software with Avigilon’s Alta access control manager (ACM).
Instead of trying to rush out a one-size-fits-all solution, the retailer turned to Octeum to create the exact solution for their specific needs.
Online Retailer
Company Size
~2,000 employees
Project Lead
Jay Shepard
Joshua Dunn
Why Octeum
Experience & Proficiency
Octeum’s team has a uniquely deep bench of security industry experience, and that means we’re able to fully understand our clients’ systems from the inside out. While out-of-the-box solutions can be quick, they’re often labor-intensive for your company. They require your own time and resources to learn, understand and compile information before your new system is up and running—and then there’s no guarantee one-size-fits-all will fit you.
Octeum closes that gap. Our team takes the burden off your team, gathering requirements and fully understanding your needs and security environment. Then, we build a solution that does exactly what you need it to do. No uncertainties, no repeat work and no shoehorning your unique company into a cookie-cutter solution.
Required Services
Octeum’s consulting team worked closely with the retailer to understand and document requirements before building a ground-up solution to fit the company’s needs based on system behavior and common scenarios. Rather than spend time understanding the back end of integrating Workday and Avigilon, our client met with an Octeum expert to uncover true needs, pain points and solutions.
Security Software Solutions
- Leveraged Octeum’s proprietary software development kits (SDKs) to interact with both Avigilon and Workday
- Built a Windows service to handle system scheduling and communications
The Solution
Octeum created a new integration that accesses both Avigilon and Workday, reaching out to Workday to get identity information and eliminating the need for manual entry and access to sensitive (and changing) information. The setup has the flexibility to be configured to meet the company’s changing business operations, automatically capturing and syncing any HR changes that have been entered into Workday – seamlessly moving them into Avigilon.
Results / Benefits
The company’s new sync solution has reduced manual effort, error-prone data entry and privacy concerns about HR records. The company no longer has to manually enter duplicate data from Avigilon into its Workday HR system and changes to employee records are automatically captured to ensure all systems are current every 24 hours. Even better, the solution was implemented without error and without added burden on our client—because Octeum’s team entered the process on day one, ensuring they had exactly what they needed to meet their goals.